Hacks and Bugs

The Undefined Object Error is back again - thanks to my collapsable posts hack. If you click on the Older Posts link, you get the screen I showed in this picture.

In my last post I showed you my most recent hack to have expandable/collapsable peekaboo-posts, based on the work of Ramani.

I noticed that the Undefined Object Error that devastated my Blog last week, had returned. Luckily, I had saved my old template, and some uploading of templates proved what I suspected: implementing the hack leads to this horrible screendump.
Check it out for yourself, in 3 steps.

Step 1: download and backup your current template.

Step 2: get my template with peekaboo posts, and upload it to your blog.
Check for yourself how nice it works, and how shocking the screendump is when cliking older posts.

Step 3: get my template with normal posts, and upload it to your blog. The Older Posts link will work fine again.

I checked ou several Blogs, and found this bug on the following blogs: