Blogger Beta Templates

On this page you can find templates for Blogger Beta. Some of them are brand new, specially designed for Blogger Beta. Other ones are Blogger v2 oldies, that have been ported to Blogger Beta. You will find instructions on how to use the templates for your own blog. You can download the full XML-template, or, if you blog is filled with hacks and modifications, only the CSS-skin. A preview of all templates is provided as well. Enjoy!

Always make a backup of your old template before uploading a new one.
The templates provided here are based on the most simple blog available: a header, posts, 1 sidebar, and a footer. The sidebar contains only a profile widget and an archives widget.

Some templates are available in 2 versions of the template that you can use: the XML-template, or the CSS-skin.
Some exist of 1 ZIP-file, containing all the stuff you need.

If you upload the XML-template to your blog, all your widgets will be lost. So if you plan to do this, it is best to open all the widgets, copy-paste the contents to a text file, and save it, so that you can add the widgets again after uploading the new template.
If you want to use your old template, but only want to change the skin, use the CSS-skin. Open your template in HTML-mode, and remove the skin-content, that is the part of the code between and , and replace it with the new skin.


The Hobbit

Get this template now!

Angel Or Evil

Get this template now!


Get this template now!