More If Then Ideas

Now that my train of thought has started on how to use the - constructions to enhance the Bloggger experience, I got some new ideas that really need some investigation.

Idea 1: Table of Contents
We can tweak the Blogpost Widget, so that it displays only posttitles when we are on the Blog Homepage, and full posts when we are on an Item Page. In the Blog Settings we can set that our Blog should display 365 days on 1 page, allowing for a maximum of 500 posts to be displayed.

Idea 2: Post Summaries on front page
By default, we have 1 Blogpost Widget on our Blog. But we can easily add a second Blogpost Widget to our Blog. We can modify Blogpost Widget #1 to be displayed only on the Homepage, and #2 to be displayed on Itempages.
In our posts we could use 2 span-tags, one for a summary and one for a full post text. In Blogpost Widget #1 we only display the summary-span, in Blogpost Widget #2 we only display the full text span. It can be done with javascript. The challenge is to see if it can be done without!

Idea 3: Featured Posts on front page
If we can have 2 Blogpost Widgets, we can have 3 as well.
Widget #1 shows on item pages, just as we are used to. Widget #2 and #3 are shown only on the Homepage, where #2 filters for 'Tutorial' and #3 filters for 'Template'. And #2 and #3 are side by side.

Well, I have to do some experimenting to get this to work. Please feel free to create your own solutions, and throw in your own ideas as well!