Widget Installation and Downloads Page


On this page you can find all widgets and downloads that I created for Beautiful Beta. You can use all widgets and downloads free of charge, as long as you give credits on your site to Beautiful Beta. All downloads and widgets have been tested for Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox. If you notice any problems or bugs, please report them as a comment.

Javascript sourcefile

Most Beautiful Beta hacks and widgets make use of some javascript-functions. These functions are bundled in a javascript-library, that should be added to your template.
Add the following code to your template's head, just above the -tag:

Google Calendar Widget
The Google Calendar Widget displays events from your Google Calendar in your sidebar. You can customize this widget to display the events of any public Google Calendar that you like; you can customize the number of events to display, whether or not to display the calendarname, calendardescription and owner, as well as whether or not to display event details. You can style the widget by adding some new classes tom your CSS styling.
This widget requires that your browser accepts script execution.
Learn how to install and customize this widget, or click the button to add this widget to your blog.
The coding of this widget was developed by Beautiful Beta.

Plaxo Pulse Widget
The Plaxo Pulse Widget displays events from your Plaxo Pulse in your sidebar. The widget needs JSON-formatted input, so you first have to Pipe your Plaxo Pulse Feed with Yahoo! Pipes. So first of all, read the installation instructions!
This widget requires that your browser accepts script execution.
Click the button to add this widget to your blog.
The coding of this widget was developed by Beautiful Beta.

Aorta Widget
The Aorta Widget displays a mashup from your Blogger Blog, your Picasa Web Albums, your Flickr Photo's and your YouTube Channel. Read the installation instructions!
This widget requires that your browser accepts script execution.
Click the button to add this widget to your blog.
The coding of this widget was developed by Beautiful Beta.